Introducing our Mission...
"To create a supportive community where every
person has the space
to explore their
FUTURE passions"
Miss Sadé, Founder and Principal of FPA
Introducing Miss Sadé..
Miss Sadé is the Founder and Principal of Futures Performing Arts Academy. She began her training at the young age of 3! From starting her training in a local school and then a vocational school at the young age of 14 she then took the plunge and moved down South to further her studies!
FPA was founded in a challenging time in Sadé's life, she had to make a decision of whether to continue in the performance industry struggling after the Pandemic or take the leap of faith- so Futures Performing Arts was born.
Exam results are in! We had a 100% pass rate!
Our Summer Show is on August 27th so please make sure to pop the date in your diary..
Rehearsals for the Summer Show start W/C 12th June so please ensure attendance every week!
We have a fundraising event coming up in June, please keep your eye out in the Members group!
Stay tuned for more details..
Here at Futures Performing Arts Academy, our mission is to create a supportive community where all people have the space to explore their FUTURE passions! Whether your aim be to become the next West End star, comedian or dancer- FPA is the home for you!
We pride ourselves on being a warm and welcoming Academy, who you can approach at any time.
We offer a variety of classes in Ballet, Tap, Theatre Craft, Acro, Singing, Acting, Private 1-1 Tuition and Zumba!
To enquire about any of our classes